I made a free template with Astro and Tailwind CSS for your next project!
Table of contents
Hello everyone,here is a free template for anyone that needs it for theire next project.
✺ Live version: astrosaas.vercel.app
✺ Repository: github.com/michael-andreuzza/astrosaas
✺ Built with Astro.js – Astro is an all-in-one web framework for building fast, content-focused websites.
✺ Styled with Tailwind CSS – Tailwind CSS works by scanning all of your HTML files, JavaScript components, and any other templates for class names, generating the corresponding styles and then writing them to a static CSS file.
✺ Relived with Alpine.js – Alpine is a rugged, minimal tool for composing behavior directly in your markup. Think of it like jQuery for the modern web. Plop in a script tag and get going.
✺ Keyboard accessible – Everything I build is keyboard accessible, and I meticulously write the markup to deliver the best screenreader experience I can provide.
✺ Production-ready – I tested the template in the latest versions of all browsers to handle lots of edge-cases you might encounter.
✺ Simple deploys – The template is production-ready and easily deployed anywhere that you can deploy a static wbsites, like:
✺ Vercel
✺ Netlify
✺ GitHub pages
and more...
Plugins, integrations and stack.
✺ Astro
✺ Tailwind
✺ astrojs/alpinejs
✺ astrojs/seo
✺ astrojs/image
✺ astrojs/compress
✺ astrojs/sitemap
✺ astrojs/partytown
✺ Home
✺ Privacy
✺ Terms
✺ Log in
✺ Sign in
✺ Testimonials
✺ Pricing table
✺ Different sections for features
I hope the template helps you out, feel free to ask anything
Some images